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Artwork 375A
Artwork 1871B
Artwork 1872A
Todo el mundo en general
Artwork 1872B
Todo el mundo en general
Artwork 1873B
La Inmaculada
Artwork 1874A
The resurrected child triumphs over death and sin
Artwork 1874B
The resurrected child triumphs over death and sin
Artwork 1827A
The state of a soul in contrition
Artwork 1827B
The state of a soul in contrition
Artwork 1829A
The good death
Artwork 1830A
The state of a soul in paradise
Artwork 1830B
The state of a soul in paradise
Artwork 1831A
The state of a tepid soul
Artwork 1831B
The state of a tepid soul
Artwork 1364B
Fili Redemptor Mundi
Artwork 2251B
Saint Gregory the Great
Artwork 2252A
S. Augustinus Doctor Ecclessiae
Artwork 2252B
Saint Augustine
Artwork 2253A
Titlepage border
Artwork 2253B
Titlepage border
Artwork 2254A
Initial Letter Ornament (Gemini?)
Artwork 2254B
Initial Letter Ornament (Gemini?)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 1732B
Virgen del Pino
Artwork 908A
Mater Divinae Gratiae
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 2399B
Mater Divinae Gratiae
Artwork 2400A
Patrocinium of Saint Augustine
Artwork 2400B
Patrocinium of Saint Augustine
Artwork 1593A
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Artwork 2042B
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Artwork 9A
Last Communion of Mary the Egyptian
Artwork 2043B
Last Communion of Mary the Egyptian
Artwork 2044A
Genealogy from Adam to Christ
Artwork 2044B
Genealogy from Adam to Christ
Artwork 2055B
The Betrayal of Judas
Artwork 1072A
Saint Domingo de Guzmán
Artwork 2056B
Saint Domingo de Guzmán
Artwork 2057A
Redemptor Mundi
Artwork 2057B
Redemptor Mundi
Artwork 2058A
Mater Purissima
Artwork 2058B
Mater Purissima
Artwork 2059B
The Last Judgement and Purgatory
Artwork 1750A
Sacred Heart of Mary
Artwork 1753A
Lamech and his two wives Adah and Zillah (Genesis 4:19)
Artwork 1768A
Samson rends the lion (Judges 14)
Artwork 1769A
Samson breaks the ropes that bind him (Judges 16)
Artwork 1770A
Samson carries the gates of Gaza (Judges 16)
Artwork 1771A
Death of Samson (Judges 16)
Artwork 1996A
Autumn (Bacchus)
Artwork 1996B
I, Fire (Bacchus)
Artwork 1997A
Juno, Queen of Heaven (Met. II: 531-565)
Artwork 1997B
I, Air (Juno)
Artwork 1998B
Saint Barbara
Artwork 1999A
Saint John Nepomucene
Artwork 1999B
Saint John Nepomucene
Artwork 2000A
Saint Mathias
Artwork 2000B
Saint Jude Thaddaeus
Artwork 1711A
Ascendit ad coelos
Artwork 2002B
Saint Simon
Artwork 1751A
Saint Eligius
Artwork 338A
Christo desponsa
Artwork 1205B
Christo desponsa
Artwork 1598A
Susan at her bath
Artwork 1598B
Susan at her bath
Artwork 1599B
Trinity with the Virgin
Artwork 1600B
Aedificare super petram
Artwork 1841A
The Visitation
Artwork 1841B
The Visitation
Artwork 1267A
Atabalipa, Roy du Peru
Artwork 1995A
Arrival of Philip V to Figuéres
Artwork 1995B
King Luis Fernando I of Spain on Horseback
Artwork 1795B
The state of a man in contrition
Artwork 1797A
The state of a man who has fallen into temptation
Artwork 2328A
La balanza de la amistad
Artwork 2328B
La balanza de la amistad
Artwork 1737B
Saint Peter the Apostle
Artwork 1322A
IHS Monogram inside a wreath
Artwork 437A
Sibylla Delphica
Artwork 1324B
Sibylla Eritrea
Artwork 442A
Sibylla Hellespontica
Artwork 448A
Sibylla Aegyptia
Artwork 1330B
Sibylla Aegiptia
Artwork 845A
La Dolorosa
Artwork 1342B
Saint Francis Xavier Bearing an Indian
Artwork 1343A
Saint Francis Xavier Baptizing
Artwork 1344A
Saint Francis Xavier disputes with Fucarandono
Artwork 1344B
Saint Francis Xavier Disputes with Fucarandono
Artwork 1821A
Memento, quaeso, quòd sicut lutum feceris me (Job 10)
Artwork 1821B
Memento, quaeso, quòd sicut lutum feceris me (Job 10)
Artwork 1823A
Quis mihi det te fratrem meum sugentem ubera matris meae! (Canticum Canticorum 8)
Artwork 1823B
Quis mihi det te fratrem meum sugentem ubera matris meae! (Canticum Canticorum 8)
Artwork 1848A
John the Baptist admonishes Herod and angers Herodias. John in prison.
Artwork 1600A
Aedificare super petram
Artwork 1749A
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Artwork 1756B
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Artwork 1826A
The state of a soul in attrition
Artwork 1826B
The state of a soul in attrition
Artwork 1840B
Annunciation to Zachariah
Artwork 189A
The Calling of Saint James
Artwork 1693B
The Carmelite Vine
Artwork 1695B
Saint Francis Borgia