
Melchor Pérez de Holguín, El Juicio Final (Detail). Photo: Daniel Giannoni.
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View all issues of Novedades de PESSCA
- 8 / 2018: Survey of 16th, 17th, and 18th century print albums held at the Biblioteca Nacional del Perú.
- 8 / 2018: Survey of colonial works held at the Instituto Riva Agüero (Lima, Perú).
- 7 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 58 is posted.
- 7 / 2018: Short photographic expedition on the Camino de Santiago (Navarra, La Rioja, Burgos, León, and Galicia).
- 7 / 2018: PESSCA research presented at the 56th International Congress of Americanists in Salamanca, Spain.
- 6 / 2018: PESSCA research to be presented at the Segundo Congreso Internacional de Arte Peruano (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú).
- 6 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 57 is out.
- 6 / 2018: Correspondence 4300 is up.
- 6 / 2018: PESSCA research to be presented at the I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Arte Religioso (Museo de Arte Religioso Juan de Tejeda, Córdoba, ARG)
- 5 / 2018: Field trip through the State of Mexico returns with 15 books and 700 images of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 5 / 2018: PESSCA research presented at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- 4 / 2018: PESSCA interview in puntoedu, the weekly magazine of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 4 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 56 is posted.
- 4 / 2018: PESSCA to research the colonial collections of the Instituto Riva Agüero, Lima, Perú.
- 4 / 2018: PESSCA Director named Honorary Member of the Instituto Riva Agüero, Lima, Perú.
- 3 / 2018: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 2 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 55 is out.
- 2 / 2018: Correspondence 4200 is reached.
- 1 / 2018: Over the last month, 1425 indiviuduals visited the PESSCA website. Together they conducted 2051 visits, viewed 13903 pages, and clocked about 185 hours. Visits came from the United States (22%), Peru (14%), the United Kingdom (9%), Spain (8%), Mexico (6%), and 68 other countries.
- 1 / 2018: PESSCA to look into image recognition software as a research tool.
- 1 / 2018: Novedades de PESSCA 54 is issued.
- 1 / 2018: New essay is posted (see Fuentes Grabadas del Arte Colonial: La evidencia documental)
- 1 / 2018: Expedited review of new correspondences is restored.
- 12 / 2017: PESSCA research to be featured at an art show to open in October 2018 at the Museo Nacional de San Carlos, in Mexico City.
- 12 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 53 is issued.
- 12 / 2017: Correspondence 4100 is posted.
- 11 / 2017: Photographic expedition to Buenos Aires, Salta, Jujuy, and Córdoba returns with more than 1200 photographs of Spanish Colonial art.
- 11 / 2017: PESSCA research presented at the IX Encuentro Internacional sobre Barroco (Buenos Aires).
- 11 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 52 is mailed out.
- 11 / 2017: Amigos the PESSCA now number 175.
- 11 / 2017: PESSCA research to be presented at the 56° Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (Salamanca 2018).
- 10 / 2017: Lightning photographic expedition to Lima returns with hundreds of photographs.
- 10 / 2017: PESSCA Research presented at the I Congreso Internacional de Arte Peruano (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos).
- 10 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 51 is out.
- 9 / 2017: Photographic expedition returns from Lima with more than 17000 photographs of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 9 / 2017: Photographic expedition returns from Cusco with more than 1400 photographs of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 9 / 2017: Work of PESSCA presented at the IV Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano (Cusco, Peru).
- 9 / 2017: PESSCA plays a role in the recovery of a second stolen masterpiece of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 9 / 2017: Correspondence 4000 is posted.
- 9 / 2017: PESSCA research to be presented at the I Congreso Internacional de Arte Peruano (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, October 2017).
- 9 / 2017: The work of PESSCA is featured at the Permanent Seminar on the Digital Humanities founded at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 9 / 2017: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú offers an extracurricular seminar based on PESSCA research.
- 8 / 2017: PESSCA deepens its collaboration with the Museo Pedro de Osma in Lima, Peru.
- 7 / 2017: The Proyecto de Estudios Indianos opens a research line on Historia del Arte Virreinal Americano based on the work of PESSCA.
- 7 / 2017: Photographic expedition to Quito returns with more than 4500 photographs of Spanish Colonial art.
- 6 / 2017: PESSCA plays a role in the recovery of a stolen masterpiece of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 6 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 49 is issued.
- 6 / 2017: Correspondence 3900 is reached.
- 5 / 2017: PESSCA research to be presented at the IX Encuentro Barroco (Buenos Aires, November 2017).
- 5 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 48 is posted.
- 4 / 2017: PESSCA invited to present at the IV Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano (Cusco, September 2017).
- 4 / 2017: PESSCA to acquire the state-of-the-art Hollstein catalog of the graphic works after Jan van der Straet.
- 4 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 47 is out.
- 4 / 2017: Correspondence 3800 is posted.
- 3 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 46 is posted.
- 3 / 2017: Correspondence 3700 is reached.
- 3 / 2017: Seminar based on PESSCA research to be offered at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú in August 2017.
- 3 / 2017: PESSCA to acquire a complete set of photographs of the large collection of thesis sheets of the Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg.
- 3 / 2017: PESSCA to acquire the state-of-the-art Hollstein catalog of the graphic works after Maarten de Vos.
- 2 / 2017: Novedades de PESSCA 45 is out.
- 1 / 2017: Major exhibit based on the work of PESSCA opens in Cusco.
- 1 / 2017: Photographic exhibit to Cusco returns with more than 2300 photographs.
- 12 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 44 is posted.
- 12 / 2016: Correspondence 3600 is reached.
- 11 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 43 is out.
- 10 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 42 is issued.
- 10 / 2016: Correspondence 3500 is posted.
- 09 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 41 is released.
- 09 / 2016: PESSCA research is featured at a major exhibit on Cuzco School Painting at the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI).
- 09 / 2016: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima.
- 09 / 2016: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Seminario de Santo Toribio, Lima, Perú.
- 09 / 2016: Major photographic expedition to the City of Cusco and its environs returns with thousands of photographs.
- 08 / 2016: Exhibition based on PESSCA research to be inaugurated at Casa Garcilaso (Cusco) in January 2017.
- 08 / 2016: Course on Spanish Colonial Art based on PESSCA research is delivered in Cusco.
- 08 / 2016: PESSCA research to be featured at an exhibit in Mexico City in 2018.
- 08 / 2016: Photographic Expedition to Arequipa returns with hundreds of photographs of Spanish Colonial Art.
- 08 / 2016: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Siglo de Oro Conference in Arequipa.
- 08 / 2016: Research collaboration launched with the rare book library at the Convento de la Recoleta, Arequipa.
- 08 / 2016: Major exhibit in Arequipa features PESSCA research.
- 07 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 40 is out.
- 07 / 2016: Correspondence 3400 is posted.
- 07 / 2016: PESSCA invited to present materials at an upcoming exhibition of Colonial Art at the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI).
- 07 / 2016: Collaborative project is launched regarding a set of gilded copperplates at the Osma Museum in Lima, Perú.
- 07 / 2016: Lightning photographic expedition in Arequipa is launched.
- 07 / 2016: Lightning photographic expedition in Lima is launched.
- 07 / 2016: PESSCA Gallery 14 (Epigraphy of the Prophets of Congonhas) opens.
- 06 / 2016: The PESSCA website received more than 20,000 visits in the last month.
- 05 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 39 is issued.
- 04 / 2016: Correspondence 3300 is reached.
- 04 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 38 is posted.
- 04 / 2016: Collaboration with PESSCA highlighted in the Museo de Osma facebook.
- 03 / 2016: Novedades de PESSCA 37 is issued.
- 03 / 2016: Lightning photographic expedition to Quito returns with hundreds of photographed pieces.
- 03 / 2016: De Augsburgo a Quito catalog launched in Quito at the Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús.
- 12 / 2015: A new exhibition based on PESSCA research is set for Summer 2016 at the Convento de Santa Catalina, Arequipa, Peru.
- 12 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 36 is out.
- 12 / 2015: Correspondence 3200 is posted.
- 12 / 2015: The catalog for the De Augsburgo a Quito show is published.
- 11 / 2015: The UC Davis Journal of the Institute for Social Studies reviews PESSCA.
- 11 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 35 is released.
- 10 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 34 is issued.
- 10 / 2015: Correspondence 3100 is reached.
- 10 / 2015: In the last month, 1876 individuals made 2548 visits to the PESSCA website, collectively viewing 17532 pages.
- 09 / 2015: Photographic expedition to Cuzco returns with more than 1000 photographs.
- 09 / 2015: Presentations of PESSCA research at the II Festival Internacional del Barroco Latinoamericano and at the Escuela de Bellas Artes (Cuzco, Peru).
- 09 / 2015: Photographic expedition to Lima returns with more than 150 photographs.
- 09 / 2015: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Miércoles Patrimoniales series of the Muncipalidad de Lima.
- 08 / 2015: New gallery opens in PESSCA site (Gallery 13: The Elogia Mariana of the Great Cathedral of Cuzco).
- 08 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 33 is released.
- 08 / 2015: PESSCA acquires photographs of more than two hundred Klauber engravings from the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal.
- 07 / 2015: PESSCA research featured at Para Vos Nací, art exhibit organized by the Municipalidad de Lima.
- 07 / 2015: Correspondence 3000 is posted.
- 06 / 2015: PESSCA Findings reported by news organizations in Arequipa.
- 06 / 2015: Photographic Expedition to Arequipa and Valle del Colca returns with hundreds of photographs.
- 06 / 2015: Presentation of PESSCA results at the VIII Encuentro Internacional sobre Barroco (Arequipa, Perú).
- 06 / 2015: PESSCA is ten years old.
- 05 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 32 is out.
- 05 / 2015: Correspondence 2900 is reached.
- 04 / 2015: PESSCA joins international effort led by the Archbishopric of Cuzco to find, catalog, research and publicize colonial artworks of the city.
- 04 / 2015: PESSCA Archive acquires photographs of more than a hundred 18th century engravings produced in Augsburg at the Klauber Workshop.
- 03 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 31 is published.
- 02 / 2015: In the last month, 1485 individuals made 1932 visits to the PESSCA website, collectively viewing 14996 pages (Source: Google Analytics).
- 02 / 2015: Novedades de PESSCA 30 is issued.
- 02 / 2015: Correspondence 2800 is posted.
- 01 / 2015: Collaboration with the Museum of the Convento de Santa Catalina, Arequipa, Perú.
- 12 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 29 is released
- 12 / 2014: De Augsburgo a Quito closes after welcoming 20,413 visitors
- 12 / 2014: Correspondence 2700 is reached
- 10 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 28 is issued.
- 10 / 2014: Correspondence 2600 is posted.
- 09 / 2014: Research visit to the Museo de América (Madrid) is completed.
- 09 / 2014: Results of PESSCA research are presented at the VIII Congress of the Seciedad de Estudios Históricos de Navarra (Museo de Navarra, Pamplona).
- 09 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 27 is released.
- 08 / 2014: Photographic expedition to Lima returns with hundreds of photographs.
- 07 / 2014: Major exibit opens in Quito based on PESSCA research.
- 07 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 26 is issued.
- 07 / 2014: Correspondence 2500 is reached.
- 07 / 2014: PESSCA Workshop at the Universidad Católica organizes the entire set of PESSCA correspondences by artwork location (click here).
- 07 / 2014: Lightning photographic expedition to Ayacucho returns with 1GB of photographs.
- 06 / 2014: Lightning photographic expedition to Cuzco returns with 2GB of photographs.
- 05 / 2014: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú installs a mirror of the PESSCA site in its institutional repository (click here).
- 05 / 2014: Lightning photographic expedition to Quito returns with 600 photographs of colonial artworks.
- 04 / 2014: PESSCA lectures and workshops are begun at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 03 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 24 is issued.
- 03 / 2014: Major upgrade of the PESSCA website is performed
- 03 / 2014: Correspondence 2400 is posted.
- 02 / 2014: Gallery 12: The Celestial Dome of El Sagrario de Quito opens.
- 02 / 2014: Filipa Medeiros contributes photographs of the illustrations to the Missale Romanum of Lisbon, 1784.
- 01 / 2014: Novedades de PESSCA 23 is released.
- 12 / 2013: The Friends of PESSCA list registers its 100th member.
- 12 / 2013: Visitors to the PESSCA website collectively view more than 40,000 pages of the site in the last month.
- 12 / 2013: Correspondence 2300 is reached.
- 12 / 2013: PESSCA is mentioned in Desde la Sala, órgano informativo de la Sala Antioquia, Biblioteca Pública Piloto, Medellín, Colombia.
- 11 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 22 is issued.
- 11 / 2013: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú will host a mirror of the PESSCA site.
- 10 / 2013: Visitors to the PESSCA website collectively view more than 30,000 pages of the site in the last month.
- 09 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 21 is out.
- 09 / 2013: PESSCA featured at the 28th Congress of the International Bibliophile Association (Augsburg University Library Session).
- 09 / 2013: Expedition to Germany returns with photographs of more than 1700 engravings produced in 18th century Augsburg.
- 09 / 2013: Correspondence 2200 is posted.
- 08 / 2013: Gallery: 11 The Remarkable Apostles of Göz - Klauber - Rodríguez opens.
- 08 / 2013: Rubem Amaral Jr. donates to PESSCA a valuable collection of photographs of Brazilian Colonial art.
- 08 / 2013: Correspondence 2100 is reached.
- 07 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 20 is posted.
- 07 / 2013: Photographic expedition to Quito returns with close to 3000 photographs of Colonial Art.
- 07 / 2013: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Centro Cultural Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador.
- 07 / 2013: Review of PESSCA in the Society for Emblem Studies Newsletter, Volume 53.
- 07 / 2013: Presentation of PESSCA research at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecudaor.
- 07 / 2013: Almerindo Ojeda, director of PESSCA, is interviewed in Arte Colonial Andino: Laboratorio de Investigación Sobre Arte
- 06 / 2013: Presentation of the PESSCA project at the Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 05 / 2013: PESSCA joins the team producing The Art of Painting in Colonial Bolivia (forthcoming from Saint Joseph's University Press).
- 05 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 19 is out.
- 05 / 2013: Correspondence 2000 is posted.
- 05 / 2013: PESSCA receives a grant from the University of California Humanities Network (University of California Humanities Research Institute); it is then supplemented by the UC Davis Humanities Institute and the UC Davis College of Letters and Science.
- 05 / 2013: Lightning visit to the Spanish Colonial holdings in the Brooklyn Museum, Saint Joseph's University, and the Huber Collection.
- 04 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 18 is released.
- 04 / 2013: PESSCA invited to present at the Universidad Andina in Quito, Ecuador.
- 03 / 2013: Google Analytics records more than 2000 visits to the PESSCA website in one month. In them, 1415 people viewed 20422 pages.
- 02 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 17 is issued.
- 02 / 2013: Correspondence 1900 is reached.
- 01 / 2013: Google Analytics records more than 1500 visits to the PESSCA website in one month.
- 01 / 2013: Novedades de PESSCA 16 is released.
- 01 / 2013: PESSCA invited to present the results of its research at The Fourteenth Colony: California Indians, Missions, Presidios, and Colonists in the Hispanic Frontier, 1769-1848, a workshop organized by the Institute of Archaeology of the California State University at Monterey Bay with support from The National Endowment for the Humanities. Asilomar, California, July 13-19, 2013).
- 12 / 2012: Research at the Reserves, Cabinet des Estampes, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, in Paris.
- 12 / 2012: Correspondence 1800 is posted.
- 11 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 15 is issued.
- 09 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 14 is released.
- 09 / 2012: Correspondence 1700 is reached.
- 09 / 2012: A collaboration is launched with the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI).
- 08 / 2012: PESSCA examines the latest additions to the Colonial collection of the Museo de Arte de Lima (MALI).
- 07 / 2012: Photographic expedition to the Monasterio de Santa Teresa de Ayacucho is undertaken.
- 07 / 2012: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú funds a photographic expedition to Ayacucho.
- 07 / 2012: Seventy five scholars, collectors, curators, conservators, marchands, photographers, and art enthusiasts are now Friends of PESSCA.
- 07 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 13 is issued.
- 07 / 2012: Comprehensive photographic capture of the paintings of the Iglesia de Jesús, María, y José in Lima.
- 06 / 2012: PESSCA reaches correspondence 1600.
- 06 / 2012: Friends of PESSCA meet in Lima to discuss future enhancements to the project.
- 06 / 2012: PESSCA is granted access to the Jaime Borja Archive of images of Neogranadine Art.
- 06 / 2012: Photographic expedition to Colombia (Bogotá, Boyacá, and Popayán).
- 06 / 2012: A series of lectures based on PESSCA research is delivered at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogotá, Colombia.
- 05 / 2012: A lecture based on PESSCA research is delivered at the Catholic University in Lima, Peru.
- 05 / 2012: A series of master classes based on PESSCA research is delivered at the Catholic University in Lima, Peru.
- 05 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 12 is issued
- 03 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 11 is issued.
- 03 / 2012: PESSCA begins archiving correspondences with architectural subjects
- 02 / 2012: PESSCA reaches correspondence 1500.
- 02 / 2012: The Inter-American Institute for Advanced Study in Cultural History opens to us its collection of images of Colonial Latin American art.
- 01 / 2012: Novedades de PESSCA 10 is issued.
- 01 / 2012: PESSCA to participate in the scholarly exchange program between the UCD-HIA and the PUCP.
- 01 / 2012: Photographic expedition to Goa (India) returns with more than 700 images.
- 11 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 9 is issued.
- 11 / 2011: Correspondence 1400 is reached.
- 09 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 8 is issued
- 08 / 2011: More than fifty scholars, collectors, curators, conservators, marchands, photographers, and art enthusiasts are now Friends of PESSCA.
- 08 / 2011: Correspondence 1300 is posted.
- 08 / 2011: Gallery 10: Las Sibilas del Palacio de Minería is installed.
- 07 / 2011: Collaboration with the Peruvian National Library begins.
- 06 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 7 is issued.
- 06 / 2011: PESSCA is mentioned in scholarly publication from Medellín, Colombia (Historelo 3(5)).
- 06 / 2011: The correspondences of the PESSCA Archive are now organized by subject.
- 06 / 2011: PESSCA is mentioned in scholarly publication from Buenos Aires, Argentina (Eadem Utraque Europa 6)
- 06 / 2011: Travel to Mexico City to acquire colonial art publications.
- 06 / 2011: Second photographic expedition to the California mission of San Juan Bautista.
- 05 / 2011: PESSCA posts its 1200th correspondence.
- 04 / 2011: Photographic Expedition to the California missions of San Juan Bautista and Nuestra Señora de la Soledad.
- 03 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 6 is issued.
- 02 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 5 is issued.
- 02 / 2011: PESSCA hits its 1100th correspondence.
- 02 / 2011: The Espínola Collection (Valencia, Spain) shares with PESSCA digital images of its important print holdings.
- 01 / 2011: Novedades de PESSCA 4 is issued.
- 12 / 2010: The UC Davis Hemispheric Institute on the Americas supports with a grant the hosting of the PESSCA website.
- 11 / 2010: Novedades de PESSCA 2/3 are issued.
- 11 / 2010: Collaborative efforts initiated in Spain.
- 11 / 2010: Lightning photographic expedition led in Mexico City, Tepotzotlán, Puebla, and Cholula.
- 11 / 2010: PESSCA is presented at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
- 09 / 2010: PESSCA correspondences in permanent display at the Pedro de Osma Museum in Lima, Peru.
- 09 / 2010: PESSCA is mentioned in Desde la Sala, órgano informativo de la Sala Antioquia, Biblioteca Pública Piloto, Medellín, Colombia.
- 08 / 2010: Novedades de PESSCA 1 is issued
- 08 / 2010: PESSCA reaches its 900th correspondence.
- 08 / 2010: The Friends of PESSCA mailing list is formed.
- 08 / 2010: PESSCA website adds a Recent Changes page and offers RSS feeds.
- 07 / 2010: Translation of the site reaches its final stretch: translating the artwork entries.
- 06 / 2010: Presentation of PESSCA at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
- 06 / 2010: PESSCA site garners 4th place in Google searches with key words colonial art.
- 06 / 2010: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú sponsors PESSCA's photographic expedition to Lima.
- 05 / 2010: PESSCA celebrates its fifth anniversary.
- 05 / 2010: PESSCA hits its 800th correspondence, gathering in one year as many correspondences as it gathered in the previous four.
- 03 / 2010: Translation of the PESSCA website into Spanish begins.
- 02 / 2010: The UC Davis Hemispheric Institute on the Americas supports with a grant the hosting of the PESSCA website.
- 02 / 2010: PESSCA reaches its 700th correspondence.
- 02 / 2010: PESSCA receives a grant from Catholic University in Lima, Peru, to translate the PESSCA site into Spanish.
- 12 / 2009: Users may enlarge archival images by clicking on them.
- 12 / 2009: PESSCA site garners 5th place in Google searches with key words colonial art.
- 11 / 2009: PESSCA reviewed in New World / New Worlds (November 9, 2009)
- 11 / 2009: PESSCA hits its 600th correspondence.
- 11 / 2009: Presentation of the project at the UC Davis Hemispheric Institute on the Americas
- 10 / 2009: PESSCA posts its 500th correspondence.
- 10 / 2009: Collaborative efforts initiated in Colombia.
- 10 / 2009: PESSCA reviewed in Vitral 21 (GERE, Buenos Aires)
- 09 / 2009: Collaborative efforts developed in Argentina.
- 09 / 2009: PESSCA site ranks 7th in Google searches with keywords colonial art.
- 08 / 2009: Collaborative efforts established in Mexico.
- 08 / 2009: PESSCA posts its 400th correspondence.
- 06 / 2009: The Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú sponsors PESSCA's photographic expedition to Cuzco.
- 06 / 2009: PESSCA reaches its 300th correspondence.
- 05 / 2009: PESSCA goes public and launches an open website.