Moses with the new tables of the law kneeling before God (Exodus 34)
Moses with the new tables of the law kneeling before God (Exodus 34)

- Artist
- Erhard Schoen (after 1490-1524)
- Title
- Moses with the new tables of the law kneeling before God (Exodus 34)
- Date
- ca. 1515-1518
- Medium
- Woodcut [TIB 1301.016(o)]. Illustration to bibles printed in Lyon and Nuremberg between 1518 and 1563 by Jacob Sacon or Jean Marion and published by Anton Koberger, Anton Pirckheimer, Frederick Peypus, Guilleaume Boulle, or Jacques de Millis. This illustration is taken from folio 21r of the Biblia cu[m] concordan- tiis veteris et novi testamenti[.] Lyon: Jacob Sacon, 1522, held at Special Collec- tions, Shields Library, University of California at Davis.
- Photo Source
- PESSCA Archive
- Item
- 1717A
- Correspondences
- Archive: 1717A/1717B
- Archive: 1717A/1717B