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Artwork 1440B
Cephalus and Aeacus (Met. VII, 490-500)
Artwork 1442A
Minos rejects Scylla's gift of Nisus' purple lock (Met. VIII, 81-103)
Artwork 1445A
The argument between Ajax and Ulysses for the armor of Achilles (Met. XIII, 1-381)
Artwork 1446B
The fall of Troy (Met. XIII, 399-428)
Artwork 1448A
The sacrifice of Polyxena (Met. XIII, 439-532)
Artwork 1449A
Hecuba gouges out Polymestor's eyes (Met. XIII, 545-575)
Artwork 2045A
Autumn (Bacchus)
Artwork 2045B
Autumn (Bacchus)
Artwork 2046A
Fall of Man
Artwork 2046B
Fall of Man
Artwork 2047A
Expulsion from Paradise
Artwork 2047B
Expulsion from Paradise
Artwork 2048A
The prodigal son implores divine mercy
Artwork 2048B
The prodigal son implores divine mercy
Artwork 2049A
The prodigal son returns to his father's house
Artwork 2049B
The prodigal son returns to his father's son
Artwork 660A
Ecce Homo
Artwork 2050B
Ecce Homo
Artwork 2051A
Saint Nicholas Bishop of Myra
Artwork 2051B
Saint Nicholas of Bari
Artwork 2052A
Spring (Venus)
Artwork 2052B
Spring (Venus)
Artwork 1277A
Miraculous encounter of the images of Christ and Saint Nicholas of Tolentine
Artwork 1323B
Sibylla Delfica
Artwork 444A
Sibylla Persica
Artwork 446A
Sibylla Tyburtina
Artwork 1717A
Moses with the new tables of the law kneeling before God (Exodus 34)
Artwork 1717B
Moses with the new tables of the law kneeling before God (Exodus 34)
Artwork 1066A
Cristo de la Caña
Artwork 1704B
Ecce Homo
Artwork 1705A
S. Iacobus Maior
Artwork 1838A
Martyrdom of Saint Eurosia
Artwork 1839A
Flight to Egypt
Artwork 1839B
Flight to Egypt
Artwork 1833B
The Tower of Babel
Artwork 1834A
The meeting of Isaac and Rebecca
Artwork 1834B
The meeting of Isaac and Rebecca
Artwork 1835A
The gathering of the manna
Artwork 2201A
Saint Francis Borgia
Artwork 2201B
Saint Francis Borgia
Artwork 2202A
The Holy Family
Artwork 2202B
The Holy Family
Artwork 2203A
Saint Stanislas Kostka
Artwork 2203B
Saint Stanislas Kostka
Artwork 2204A
Festum SS Trinitatis
Artwork 2204B
The Holy Trinity
Artwork 2205B
The Holy Trinity
Artwork 2206B
The Holy Trinity with The Holy Family
Artwork 2207B
The Holy Trinity adored by Dominican and Franciscan Saints
Artwork 2208B
The Holy Trinity with the Virgin and Saints
Artwork 2209A
Saint Augustin
Artwork 2209B
Saint Augustin
Artwork 2210A
Glorification of the Heart of Jesus
Artwork 2210B
Glorification of the Heart of Jesus
Artwork 2211A
Calling of Saint Francis Xavier
Artwork 2211B
Calling of Saint Francis Xavier
Artwork 2212A
The Four Parts of the World Worship the Virgin Mary
Artwork 2212B
The Four Parts of the World Worship the Virgin Mary
Artwork 2213A
Saint Augustine
Artwork 2213B
Saint Augustine
Artwork 2214A
Saint Jerome
Artwork 2214B
Saint Jerome
Artwork 2216B
Saint Augustine
Artwork 2217B
Saint Jerome
Artwork 2218A
Saint John Francis Regis
Artwork 2218B
Saint John Francis Regis
Artwork 1838B
Martyrdom of Saint Eurosia
Artwork 1728A
Nebuchadnezzar throws Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into a fiery furnace (Daniel 3)
Artwork 1815A
Heu mihi quia incolatus meus prolongatus est! (Psalms 119)
Artwork 1816A
Peccavi: quid faciam tibi ô custos hominum, quare posuisti me contrarium tibi? (Job 7)
Artwork 1817A
Inconstantia Amoris
Artwork 1818A
Credulitas Amoris
Artwork 1818B
Credulitas Amoris
Artwork 467A
The angel with the face of the sun and the body of a cloud (Rev. 10:1)
Artwork 1703B
The angel with the face of the sun and the body of a cloud (Rev. 10:1)
Artwork 746A
Virgo Praedicanda
Artwork 1567B
Virgo Praedicanda
Artwork 750A
Speculum Justitiae
Artwork 1568B
Speculum Justitiae
Artwork 1569A
Rustic Portal
Artwork 1570B
Artwork 952A
Panelled Ceiling Ornaments
Artwork 1572B
Flat Ceiling
Artwork 1984B
Saint Francis of Paula
Artwork 1953A
Saint Barbara
Artwork 1985B
Saint Barbara
Artwork 1988A
Ecce Homo
Artwork 1988B
Ecce Homo
Artwork 2015A
Saint John the Apostle
Artwork 2219B
Saint John the Apostle
Artwork 1747B
Allegory of the Ascent to Mount Carmel (detail)
Artwork 1741B
Saint Thomas the Apostle
Artwork 1706A
Mary the Magdalen
Artwork 1731B
Mary the Magdalen
Artwork 1701A
Adoration of the Shepherds
Artwork 17A
The Triumph of the New Law
Artwork 1631A
Saint Augustine
Artwork 1633A
Iesus Christus qui destruxit mortem
Artwork 67A
The Education of the Virgin
Artwork 1634B
The Education of the Virgin