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Artwork 143A
The Meal at the Home of Simon the Leper
Artwork 143B
The Meal at the Home of Simon the Leper (1)
Artwork 144A
The Gentiles Come to Talk to Christ
Artwork 144B
The Meal at the Home of Simon the Leper (2)
Artwork 145A
Christ Appears to Mary Magdalen
Artwork 145B
The Meal at the Home of Simon the Leper (3)
Artwork 152A
Pharisees Send Envoys to Trap Christ
Artwork 152B
The Pharisees, the Merchants in the Temple, and the Adulteress (1)
Artwork 153A
Christ Again Drives the Merchants Out of the Temple
Artwork 153B
The Pharisees, the Merchants in the Temple, and the Adulteress (2)
Artwork 154A
Christ Liberates the Adulteress
Artwork 154B
The Pharisees, the Merchants in the Temple, and Adulteress (3)
Artwork 155A
Christ Drives the Merchants from the Temple
Artwork 155B
The Pharisees, the Merchants in the Temple, and the Adulteress (4)
Artwork 147A
Events at Herod's Place
Artwork 147B
Christ is Taken Prisoner (2)
Artwork 148A
Before Annas. Peter Denies Christ
Artwork 148B
Christ is Taken Prisoner (3)
Artwork 146A
Christ is Taken Prisoner
Artwork 146B
Christ is Taken Prisoner (1)
Artwork 1549B
Altarpiece column
Artwork 1550A
Belshazzar's Feast (Daniel 5)
Artwork 1550B
Belshazzar's Feast (Daniel 5)
Artwork 1052A
Death of Saint Francis Xavier
Artwork 934A
Death of Saint Francis Xavier
Artwork 1552B
The Holy Death
Artwork 1553B
Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence
Artwork 367A
Moses and the Tables of the Law
Artwork 374A
King Josaphat
Artwork 434A
King Josiah
Artwork 1560B
Artwork 1385B
Monograms of Jesus and Mary, overlapping and with symbols of the passion
Artwork 1386B
Christ and John the Baptist as children
Artwork 1320B
Miraculous encounter of the images of Christ and Saint Nicholas Tolentine
Artwork 1322B
IHS Monogram inside a wreath
Artwork 438A
Sibylla Erythraea
Artwork 439A
Sibylla Cumaea
Artwork 1325B
Sibylla Libica
Artwork 1327B
Sibylla Helespontica
Artwork 1331B
Miracles of Salvador de Horta
Artwork 1474B
John the Baptist pointing at Jesus
Artwork 1475B
Mary as the Bride of the Holy Spirit
Artwork 1476A
Madonna del Popolo
Artwork 1476B
Madonna del Popolo
Artwork 1477A
Madonna del Popolo
Artwork 1477B
Madonna del Popolo
Artwork 1479A
Jesus among the doctors
Artwork 1480B
The Stigmatization of Saint Francis of Assisi
Artwork 1481A
Templo Panegírico
Artwork 1481B
Templo Panegírico
Artwork 995A
Death of Saint Ignatius
Artwork 1483B
Death and subsequent miracles of Saint Ignatius
Artwork 1484B
Death and subsequent miracles of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Artwork 1485B
Death and subsequent miracles of Saint Ignatius
Artwork 1487B
Sibylla Persica
Artwork 1922A
Christ among the martyrs
Artwork 1922B
The Resurrected Christ Surrounded by Martyrs
Artwork 1849A
The Dance of Salome
Artwork 1923B
The Dance of Salome
Artwork 1924A
Battle of Aumale
Artwork 1924B
Battle of Aumale
Artwork 1925A
Battle of Gemblous
Artwork 1925B
Battle of Gemblous
Artwork 1926A
Saint Mucius
Artwork 1926B
Saint Mucius
Artwork 1915A
Epilogus totius ordinis Seraphici S.P. Francisci
Artwork 1927B
The Franciscan Vine
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 1928B
Victory of Lepanto
Artwork 1929B
The Farnese Bridge
Artwork 1930B
Capture of Lagny
Artwork 1931B
Battle of Aumale
Artwork 1932B
The Grand Retreat
Artwork 1933B
Triumphal celebrations that Paris made
Artwork 988A
Saint Ignatius receives the Pope's blessing
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 1934B
Saint Ignatius receives the Pope's blessing
Artwork 1938A
The Trinity and the Virgin appear to Saint Ignatius
Artwork 1938B
The Trinity and the Virgin appear to Saint Ignatius
Artwork 1935A
Saint Francis comforted by angels
Artwork 1935B
Saint Francis comforted by angels
Artwork 1860A
Virgen del Pilar
Artwork 1860B
Virgen del Pilar
Artwork 1418A
Saint Martin of Tours
Artwork 1861B
Saint Martin of Tours
Artwork 1862B
Reclining Christ
Artwork 1863A
Divine Face on Veronica's Veil
Artwork 1863B
Divine Face
Artwork 368A
Artwork 1864B
Artwork 369A
Artwork 1865B
Artwork 1866A
Daniel and Jeremiah
Artwork 1866B
Artwork 370A
Artwork 1867B
Artwork 1868A
Artwork 1868B
Artwork 426A
King David
Artwork 1869B
King David
Artwork 372A
King Solomon
Artwork 1870B
King Solomon