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Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3847B
Habsburg eagle with a Marian heart
Artwork Octet Stream 3848A
Image of the true and religious nun
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3848B
Image of the true and religious nun
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3849B
Barrabas is preferred over Jesus
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3850B
Ecce Homo with portrait of Manuel Gerónimo de Romaní Carrillo as a donor
Artwork C source code 3809C
Habsburg Monstrance
Artwork Octet Stream 25AA
Jonah is cast into the ocean
Artwork C source code 3851C
Habsburg Eagle Urn (Closed)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3851B
Habsburg Eagle Urn (Open)
Artwork Octet Stream 3852A
The Conversion of Saint Hubert
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3852B
The Conversion of Saint Hubert
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3853B
Saint Peter the Apostle
Artwork 3854B
Saint John the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3855B
Saint Paul the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3856B
The Adoration of the Kings
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3857B
Habsburg Eagle Candle Holder
Artwork Octet Stream 3858A
Virgin of Wessobrunn (Die Mutter der schönen Liebe)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3858B
Immaculate Conception (Virgin of Wessobrunn)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3859B
Habsburg Eagle Urn
Artwork Octet Stream 3860A
Agony in the Garden
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3860B
Agony in the Garden
Artwork Octet Stream 3861A
Martyrdom of Saint Ursula
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3861B
Martyrdom of Saint Ursula
Artwork Octet Stream 2481A
The animals entering Noah's Ark
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3862B
The animals entering Noah's Ark
Artwork 3862B
Saint Gertrude the Great
Artwork Octet Stream 3863A
Saint Camillus de Lelis
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3863B
Saint Camillus de Lelis
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3864B
Noli me tangere
Artwork Octet Stream 3865A
The Death of the Virgin
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3865B
The Death of the Virgin
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3866B
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Artwork Octet Stream 3867A
The Virgin Consolatrix
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3867B
The Virgin Consolatrix
Artwork C source code 3868C
Cabinet with paintings of the Doctors of the Church
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3868B
Saint Ambrose
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3869B
Saint Jerome
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3870B
Saint Gregory the Great
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3871B
Saint Augustine
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3872B
Saint Peter the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3873B
Saint Andrew the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3874B
Saint John the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3875B
Saints Matthew and Philip the Apostles
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3876B
Saint Thomas the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3877B
Saint Simon the Apostle
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3878B
Saint Matthias
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3879B
Saint James the Less
Artwork Octet Stream 3853A
Saint Peter the Apostle
Artwork Octet Stream 3854A
Saint John the Apostle
Artwork Octet Stream 3855A
Saint Paul the Apostle of Gentiles
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3880B
The Dance of Salome
Artwork Octet Stream 3881A
Allegory of the Church
Artwork Octet Stream 3881AA
Title page of the Breviarium Romanum of 1614
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3881B
Allegory of the Church
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3882B
Christ is stripped of his garments
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3883B
The House of Nazareth
Artwork Octet Stream 3884A
Martyrs under Emperors Decius, Valerian, and Gallienus
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3884B
Saint Apollonia
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3885B
Monstrance with archangel stem
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3886B
The House of Nazareth
Artwork Octet Stream 3887A
The tomb of Saint Cecilia and scenes from her life
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3887B
The remains of Saint Cecilia
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3888B
The Ascension
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3889B
Nuestra Señora de la Peña
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3890B
Nuestra Señora de la Peña
Artwork Octet Stream 3891A
Saint Hyacinth of Poland
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3891B
Saint Hyacinth of Poland
Artwork Octet Stream 3892A
The Presentation of the Virgin to the temple
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3892B
The Presentation of the Virgin to the temple
Artwork Octet Stream 3893A
Saint Peter with angels bearing his attributes
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3893B
Saint Peter with angels bearing his attributes
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3894B
Saint Rose's Vision of the Virgin and Child
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3895B
Allegory of the Church
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3896B
Saint Francis of Sales
Artwork C source code 2193C
Water (Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3897B
Patrocinium of Saint Joseph
Artwork Octet Stream 3899A
Saint Catherine of Siena
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3899B
Saint Catherine of Siena
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3898B
The Adoration of the Shepherds
Artwork Octet Stream 3900A
Saint Anastasius, Carmelite Martyr
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3900B
Saint Anastasius, Carmelite Martyr
Artwork C source code 3288C
The Ministry of Saint Joseph
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3901B
Vision of Segovia
Artwork Octet Stream 1688A
Death of Saint Francis Xavier
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3902B
Death of Saint Francis Xavier
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3903B
The Last Communion of Mary the Egyptian
Artwork Octet Stream 3904A
Cielo de la Luna (The Coronation of the Virgin)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3904B
Cielo de la Luna (The Coronation of the Virgin)
Artwork C source code 3904C
Shrine Madonna (Vierge Ouvrante)
Artwork Octet Stream 3905A
Cielo de Mercurio (The Assumption)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3905B
Cielo de Mercurio (The Assumption)
Artwork Octet Stream 3906A
Cielo de Venus (Pentecost)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3906B
Cielo de Venus (Pentecost)
Artwork Octet Stream 3907A
Cielo del Sol (The Presentation of Christ in the Temple)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3907B
Cielo del Sol (The Presentation of Christ in the Temple)
Artwork Octet Stream 3908A
Cielo de Marte (The Adoration of the Shepherds)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3908B
Cielo de Marte (The Adoration of the Shepherds)
Artwork Octet Stream 3909A
Cielo de Júpiter (The Visitation)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 3909B
Cielo de Júpiter (The Visitation)
Artwork Octet Stream 3910A
Cielo de Saturno (The Annunciation)