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Artwork 2093B
The Creation of Adam
Artwork 2094A
The Creation of Eve
Artwork 2094B
The Creation of Eve
Artwork 2095A
The Temptation of Adam and Eve
Artwork 2095B
The Temptation of Adam and Eve
Artwork 2096A
The Fall of Man
Artwork 2096B
The Fall of Man
Artwork 2097B
God clothes Adam and Eve with skin tunics
Artwork 2098A
The Expulsion from Paradise
Artwork 2098B
The Expulsion from Paradise
Artwork 2099A
Adam and Eve after the Fall
Artwork 2099B
Adam and Eve after the Fall
Artwork 2100A
The Offerings of Cain and Abel
Artwork 2100B
The Offering of Cain
Artwork 2101B
The Offering of Abel
Artwork 2102A
Cain kills Abel
Artwork 2102B
Cain kills Abel
Artwork 2103B
The Damnation of Cain
Artwork 2104A
Adam and Eve mourn the death of Abel
Artwork 2104B
Adam and Eve mourn the death of Abel
Artwork 666A
Artwork 2105B
Saint Paul the Hermit
Artwork 1408A
The Deposition from the Cross
Artwork 2106B
The Deposition from the Cross
Artwork 2107A
Sibylla Delphica
Artwork 2107B
Sibylla Delphica
Artwork 2108A
Sibylla Libyca
Artwork 2108B
Sibylla Libyca
Artwork 2109A
Sibylla Phrygia
Artwork 2109B
Sibylla Phrygia
Artwork 2110A
Sibylla Tiburtina
Artwork 2110B
Sibylla Tiburtina
Artwork 2111A
Allegory of the Holy Land
Artwork 2111B
Allegory of the Holy Land
Artwork 2112B
Portrait of Saint Teresa of Ávila
Artwork 173A
Saint Teresa and her brother leave for Moorish Lands
Artwork 2113B
Saint Teresa and her brother leave for Moorish Lands
Artwork 206A
Saint Teresa Enters the Convent
Artwork 2114B
Saint Teresa enters the convent
Artwork 2115A
Saint Teresa, believed to be dead, receives prophetic visions
Artwork 2115B
Saint Teresa, believed to be dead, receives prophetic visions
Artwork 208A
The second conversion of Saint Teresa
Artwork 2116B
The second conversion of Saint Teresa
Artwork 194A
The Transverberation
Artwork 2117B
The Transverberation
Artwork 195A
Saints Peter and Paul Protectors of Saint Teresa
Artwork 2118B
Saints Peter and Paul protectors of Saint Teresa
Artwork 227A
Christ Revealing Himself to Saint Teresa
Artwork 2119B
Christ revealing Himself to Saint Teresa
Artwork 216A
The Vision of the Nail
Artwork 2120B
The vision of the nail
Artwork 196A
The Vision of the Necklace
Artwork 2121B
The vision of the necklace
Artwork 197A
The resurrection of the nephew
Artwork 2122B
The resurrection of the nephew
Artwork 198A
Coronation of Saint Teresa
Artwork 2123B
Coronation of Saint Teresa
Artwork 199A
Ecstasy before the Bishop of Ávila
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 2124b
Ecstasy before the Bishop of Ávila
Artwork 200A
Reformation of the Carmelite Order
Artwork 2125B
Reformation of the Carmelite Order
Artwork 174A
Angels light the way for Saint Teresa on the road
Artwork 2126B
Angels light the way for Saint Teresa on the road
Artwork 2127A
Teresa prays for divine intervention while demons harass a priest
Artwork 2127B
Teresa prays for divine intervention while demons harass a priest
Artwork 226A
Vision of Saint Albert of Sicily
Artwork 2128B
Vision of Saint Albert of Sicily
Artwork 201A
Illumination of Saint Teresa
Artwork 2129B
Illumination of Saint Teresa
Artwork 202A
Death of Saint Teresa
Artwork 2130B
Death of Saint Teresa
Artwork 203A
The Apparition in Segovia
Artwork 2131B
The apparition in Segovia
Artwork 1794A
The state of a man in attrition
Artwork 1794B
The state of a man in attrition
Artwork 1774A
The Resurrection
Artwork 1774B
The piercing with the spear
Artwork 1802B
The state of a damned soul
Artwork 74A
Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
Artwork 1014B
Ecstasy of Saint Teresa
Artwork 1671B
After the Dismissal of the Sanhedrin (1)
Artwork 1672A
Jesus Is Taken to Caiaphas. Peter Denies Christ for the Second Time
Artwork 1672B
After the Dismissal of the Sanhedrin (2)
Artwork 1674B
Christ is Crowned with Thorns (1)
Artwork 1675B
The Crowning of Thorns (2)
Artwork 1676A
Events Prior to the Crucifixion
Artwork 1676B
Events Just Before the Crucifixion
Artwork 1678A
Jesus is Crucified
Artwork 1678B
The Crucifixion (2)
Artwork 1680B
The Crucifixion (4)
Artwork 1681B
The Deposition from the Cross (1)
Artwork 1682B
The Deposition from the Cross (2)
Artwork 159A
Christ Predicts His Crucifixion
Artwork 159B
The Transfiguration (4)
Artwork 162A
Jesus Resurrects Lazarus
Artwork 162B
Jesus Resurrects Lazarus
Artwork 160A
The Cure of the Man Born Blind
Artwork 160B
Christ Cures the Blind (1)
Artwork 161A
Christ Cures the Blind Man at Jericho
Artwork 161B
Christ Cures the Blind (2)