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Artwork 1943B
Christ is sentenced by the Jews
Artwork 1944A
Apotheosis of Saint Joseph the Worker
Artwork 1944B
Apotheosis of Saint Joseph the Worker
Artwork 909A
Mater Castissima
Artwork 1945B
Mater Castissima, with Antonio Fernandos as donor
Artwork 1946A
The Augustinian Vine
Artwork 1946B
The Agustinian Vine
Artwork 1716B
S. Pablo
Artwork 1424A
The Triumph of the Church (The Vessel of Mystic Contemplation)
Artwork 1428B
Christ sentenced by the Jews
Artwork 1430B
The Triumph of the Church (The Vessel of Mystic Contemplation)
Artwork 1743B
Saint Mathias
Artwork 678A
Saint Bartholomew the Apostle
Artwork 1746A
Saint Matthew the Evangelist
Artwork 1746B
Saint Matthew
Artwork 1004A
The Virgin Appears to Saint Francis Xavier
Artwork 1004B
The Virgin Appears to Saint Francis Xavier
Artwork 1005A
The Last Supper
Artwork 1005B
The Last Supper
Artwork 1006A
Plans for the Altarpiece of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Artwork 1006B
Altarpiece of Saint Ignatius
Artwork 1007A
La Divina Pastora
Artwork 1007B
La Divina Pastora
Artwork 1008B
La Divina Pastora
Artwork 1009B
La Divina Pastora
Artwork 100A
The Transverberation of St. Teresa
Artwork 100B
St. Teresa Wounded by Angels
Artwork 499B
Transverberation of Saint Teresa
Artwork 1010A
Virgen de la Candelaria
Artwork 1010B
Virgen de la Candelaria
Artwork 1011A
The Good Shepherd
Artwork 1011B
The Good Shepherd
Artwork 1015A
Image of the two holy laws, the old and the new
Artwork 1015B
Image of the two holy laws, the old and the new
Artwork 1016B
Image of the two holy laws, the old and the new
Artwork 1017A
The Assumption
Artwork 1017B
The Assumption
Artwork 1018B
The Assumption, with the pastor as donor
Artwork 1019A
Saint Rose of Lima
Artwork 1019B
Saint Rose of Lima
Artwork 1020B
Saint Rose of Lima
Artwork 101A
The Coronation of the Virgin
Artwork 101B
La Virgen de los Angeles
Artwork 1021A
Susanna is accosted by the elders
Artwork 1021B
Susanna is accosted by the elders
Artwork 1022A
Susanna is accused by the elders
Artwork 1022B
Susanna is accused by the elders
Artwork 1023A
Daniel calls for the cross-examination of the elders
Artwork 1023B
Daniel calls for the cross-examination of the elders
Artwork 1024A
The elders are questioned separately
Artwork 1024B
The elders are questioned separately
Artwork 1025A
The stoning of the elders
Artwork 1025B
The stoning of the elders
Artwork 1026A
Susanna is reunited with her family
Artwork 1026B
Susanna is reunited with her family
Artwork 1027A
Saint Anthony the Abbot
Artwork 1027B
Saint Anthony the Abbot
Artwork 1028A
Saint Apelles
Artwork 1028B
Saint Apelles
Artwork 1029A
Saint Arsenius
Artwork 1029B
Saint Arsenius
Artwork 1030A
Saint Cyriacus
Artwork 1030B
Saint Cyriacus
Artwork 1031A
Saint Disibod
Artwork 1031B
Saint Disibod
Artwork 1803B
Lucretia in the spinning chamber
Artwork 408A
Saint Peter
Artwork 1154A
Saint Francis of Paula
Artwork 1986A
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Artwork 1986B
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Artwork 1987A
Saint Joachim and the Virgin as a Child
Artwork 1987B
Saint Joachim and the Virgin as a Child
Artwork 1705B
S[an]tiago Apóstol
Artwork 1706B
Mary the Magdalen
Artwork 2162B
Saints Francis and Claire offer to protect the Reform of the Carmelite Order
Artwork 2163A
Teresa comforted by angels on her journey
Artwork 2163B
Teresa comforted by angels on her journey
Artwork 2164A
Jesus protects Teresa from the attack of her enemies
Artwork 2164B
Jesus protects Teresa from the attack of her enemies
Artwork 2165A
Teresa crowned by Jesus
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 2165B
Teresa crowned by Jesus
Artwork 2166A
The priest celebrates Mass in sin
Artwork 2166B
The priest celebrates Mass in sin
Artwork 2167A
Jesus warns Teresa of the labors of other founders
Artwork 2167B
Jesus warns Teresa of the labors of other founders
Artwork Octet Stream 2168A
The Virgin shows Teresa the habit to be worn by the Discalced Carmelites
Artwork 2168B
The Virgin shows Teresa the habit to be worn by the Discalced Carmelites
Artwork 2169A
Teresa and John of the Cross visit Duruelo
Artwork 2169B
Teresa and John of the Cross visit Duruelo
Artwork 2170A
"Had I not created Heaven, I would create it just for you"
Artwork 2170B
"Had I not created Heaven, I would create it just for you"
Artwork 2171A
Mystical marriage. Vision of the nail.
Artwork 2171B
Mystical marriage. Vision of the nail.
Artwork 2172A
Angels light her way
Artwork 2172B
Angels light her way
Artwork 2173A
Teresa writes her letters
Artwork 2173B
Teresa writes her letters
Artwork 2174A
Teresa entrusted by Jesus to lead sinners
Artwork 2174B
Teresa entrusted by Jesus to lead sinners
Artwork 2175A
Jesus introduces Teresa to the mysteries of faith