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Artwork 1449B
Hecuba gouges out Polymestor's eyes (Met. XIII, 545-575)
Artwork 1795A
The state of a man in contrition
Artwork 1796A
The state of a man in virtue
Artwork 1796B
The state of a man in virtue
Artwork 1797B
The state of a man who has fallen into temptation
Artwork 836A
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Artwork 1789B
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
Artwork 1845B
Saint John preaching in the wilderness
Artwork 1846A
Ecce Agnus Dei
Artwork 1516B
The Trinity
Artwork 1517A
The Pietà
Artwork 377A
The Austro-Seraphic Heavens
Artwork 1520B
The Austro-Seraphic Heavens
Artwork 170A
The Raising of the Cross
Artwork 1521B
The Raising of the Cross
Artwork 1523B
Lattice Design
Artwork 1266A
The Last Judgement
Artwork 1646B
Saint John the Evangelist
Artwork 254A
Mort de Monique
Artwork 1647B
Death of Monica
Artwork 673A
Saint Philip the Apostle
Artwork 1601B
Saint Philip
Artwork 1602A
God the Son
Artwork 1602B
Salvator Mundi
Artwork 2185A
Kyrie Eleison
Artwork 2185B
Kyrie Eleison
Artwork 2186A
The Wedding at Cana
Artwork 2186B
The Wedding at Cana
Artwork 2187A
Hercules strangling the serpents
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 2187b
Hercules strangling the serpents
Artwork 2188A
Hercules and the Oxen of Geryon
Artwork 2188B
Hercules and the Oxen of Geryon
Artwork 1933A
Triumphal celebrations that Paris made
Artwork 2189B
Triumphal celebrations that Paris made
Artwork 2190A
Glorification of the Heart of Mary and the Immaculate Conception
Artwork 2190B
Glorification of the Heart of Mary and the Immaculate Conception
Artwork 2191A
Apotheosis of the Immaculate Conception with Jesuit Saints
Artwork 2191B
Apotheosis of the Immaculate Conception with Jesuit Saints
Artwork 2192A
Air (Juno orders Aeolus to release the winds) (Aeneid I)
Artwork 2192B
Air (Juno orders Aeolus to release the winds) (Aeneid I)
Artwork 2193A
Water (Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite)
Artwork 2193B
Water (Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite)
Artwork 2194A
Saint Joseph and Child
Artwork 2194B
Saint Joseph and Child
Artwork 1686B
Saint John Francis Regis
Artwork 1687B
Saint John Francis Regis
Artwork 1688B
Death of Saint Francis Xavier
Artwork 1151A
Mary as Bride of the Holy Spirit
Artwork 1692B
Retrato de Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Çaragoça
Artwork 1787A
Wedding at Cana
Artwork 1372A
The Adoration of the Shepherds
Artwork 1373A
Christ's Fulfillment
Artwork 1070A
Death of Saint Joseph
Artwork 1375B
Saint Philip the Apostle
Artwork 1378B
Artwork 1383A
Death of Abraham
Artwork 336A
Iesu familiaris
Artwork 1359B
Saint Rose strolls with Jesus
Artwork 1660A
The Samaritan Woman Returns
Artwork 1660B
The Samaritan Woman Returns
Artwork 1661A
The Jews Seek a Sign from Jesus
Artwork 1666A
The Tenant Farmers
Artwork 1666B
Some Parables (1)
Artwork 1667A
They Kill the Son Outside the Vineyard
Artwork 1667B
Some Parables (2)
Artwork 1668A
The Eleventh Hour Laborers
Artwork 1670A
Christ is Taken to Pilate. Judas Hangs Himself.
Artwork 409A
Saint John the Evangelist
Artwork 1738B
Saint John the Evangelist
Artwork 671A
Saint Paul
Artwork 1739B
Saint Paul
Artwork 914A
Speculum Justitiae
Artwork 1237B
Espejo de Justicia
Artwork 1569B
Girded column
Artwork 1571A
Panelled Ceiling Ornaments
Artwork 1571B
Flat Ceiling
Artwork 1573B
Artwork 1574A
Design for a fireplace
Artwork 1574B
Artwork 1798A
The state of a man in relapse
Artwork 1811A
Quis dabit capiti meo aquam? (Jeremiah 9)
Artwork 1811B
Quis dabit capiti meo aquam? (Jeremiah 9)
Artwork 1697A
Saint Augustine
Artwork 1698B
Christ hands the World to the Pope and the King of Spain
Artwork 1700B
Saint Sebastian Succored by an Angel
Artwork 1646A
Saint John the Evangelist
Artwork Octet Stream 1786A
Christ sentenced by the Jews
Artwork 1786B
Christ sentenced by the Jews
Artwork 1757A
The Entombment
Artwork 626A
Virgen de la Merced
Artwork 1936B
Patrocinio de la Virgen
Artwork 1939A
Saint Camillus is directed by Christ from the Cross
Artwork 1939B
Saint Camillus is directed by Christ from the Cross
Artwork 1940A
Ornamental band for a title page (Hercules)
Artwork 1940B
Ornamental band (Hercules)
Artwork 1784A
The Tree of Jesse
Artwork 1941B
The Tree of Jesse (Base)
Artwork 1942A
The Wedding of the Virgin
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 1942b
The wedding of the Virgin
Artwork 1943A
Christ is sentenced by the Jews