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Artwork 658B
Cristo recoge sus vestiduras después de ser flagelado
Artwork chemical/x-cerius 31A
Christ and the Pharisees (Cancer)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 31B
Christ and the Pharisees (Cancer)
Artwork 321A
Jesus and the Doctors
Artwork 321B
Jesus Before the Doctors
Artwork 322A
Holy Family
Artwork 322B
Holy Family with Fruit
Artwork 323A
The Slumber of the Child Jesus
Artwork 323B
Sueño del Niño Jesús
Artwork 324A
Our Lady of Valvanera
Artwork 324B
Nuestra Señora de Valvanera
Artwork 495B
Virgin of Valvanera
Artwork 667B
Our Lady of Valvanera
Artwork Octet Stream 325A
The Flagellation
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 325B
The Flagellation
Artwork 326A
Maria als Gute Hertin
Artwork 326B
La Divina Pastora
Artwork 668B
La Divina Pastora
Artwork 327A
Mary Magdalen Anoints the Feet of Christ (Penance)
Artwork 327B
Artwork 328B
La Piedad
Artwork 884B
La Pietà
Artwork 329A
Ab infantia gratiosa
Artwork 1198B
Ab infantia gratiosa
Artwork 329B
Cambio de nombre
Artwork 346B
Cambio de nombre
Artwork 864B
The Birth of Saint Rose of Lima
Artwork 883B
Nacimiento de Santa Rosa
Artwork object code 32A
Parable of the Good and Bad Shepherds (Leo)
Artwork chemical/x-molconn-Z 32B
Parable of the Good and Bad Shepherds (Leo)
Artwork 330A
Constans in proposito
Artwork 1199B
Constans in proposito
Artwork 330B
Rechazo del pretendiente
Artwork 347B
Rechazo del pretendiente
Artwork 865B
Saint Rose Rejects a Suitor
Artwork 331A
Casta ex voto
Artwork 1200B
Casta ex voto
Artwork 331B
Corte de los cabellos
Artwork 344B
Corte de Cabellos
Artwork 348B
Corte de los cabellos
Artwork 359B
Corte de los cabellos
Artwork 866B
Vision of Saint Rose
Artwork 332A
Habitv Religiosa
Artwork 1201B
Habitv Religiosa
Artwork 332B
Santa Rosa tomando los hábitos
Artwork 349B
Santa Rosa tomando los hábitos
Artwork 333A
Severa in corpvs
Artwork 1202B
Severa in corpvs
Artwork 333B
Penitencias de Santa Rosa
Artwork 343B
Penitencias de Santa Rosa
Artwork 334B
Santa Rosa atacada por el demonio
Artwork 350B
Santa Rosa atacada por el demonio
Artwork 867B
Saint Rose attacked by the Devil
Artwork 1203B
In solitvdine operosa
Artwork 335B
Santa Rosa orando en la ermita
Artwork 351B
Santa Rosa rezando
Artwork 1204B
Iesu familiaris
Artwork 336B
Aparición del Niño
Artwork 352B
Santa Rosa bordando y el Niño
Artwork 337B
Santa Rosa y el Niño
Artwork 353B
Santa Rosa y el Niño
Artwork 338B
Aparición de la Virgen a Santa Rosa
Artwork 354B
Aparición del Niño a la Virgen
Artwork 339A
Seraphicis ardoribus colliqvescens
Artwork 1206B
Seraphicis ardoribus colliqvescens
Artwork 339B
Santa Rosa con ángel guardián
Artwork 355B
Santa Rosa con ángel guardián
Artwork 853B
Saint Rose with an Angel
Artwork audio/x-realaudio 33A
Parable of the Sterile Fig Tree (Libra)
Artwork audio/x-realaudio 33B
Parable of the Sterile Fig Tree (Libra)
Artwork 340A
Cibi et somni parca
Artwork 1207B
Cibi et somni parca
Artwork 340B
Santa Rosa en la ermita
Artwork 356B
Santa Rosa ante el crucifijo
Artwork 868B
Saint Rose in the Hermitage
Artwork 341A
In coelis gloriosa
Artwork 1208B
In coelis gloriosa
Artwork 341B
Tránsito de Santa Rosa
Artwork 357B
Tránsito de Santa Rosa
Artwork 869B
Death of Saint Rose
Artwork 342A
E sepvlcro opifera
Artwork 1209B
E sepvlcro opifera
Artwork 342B
Funerales de Santa Rosa
Artwork 358B
Funerales de Santa Rosa
Artwork 345B
Alegoría político-religiosa en loa a Lima
Artwork object code 34A
Parable of the Murderous Wine Growers (Scorpio)
Artwork object code 34B
Parable of the Murderous Wine Growers (Scorpio)
Artwork object code 35A
Parable of the Wedding Feast (Sagittarius)
Artwork object code 35B
Parable of the Wedding Feast (Sagittarius)
Artwork 361A
Caiaphas' Hearing
Artwork 361B
Caiaphas' Hearing
Artwork 362A
Jesus does not go up to the feast; the Jews question him
Artwork 362B
Jesus does not go up to the feast; the Jews question him
Artwork 363A
Portrait of Charles III
Artwork 363B
Portrait of Charles III
Artwork 364A
The Good Samaritan
Artwork 364B
The Good Samaritan
Artwork 365A
The Devil Tempts Christ
Artwork 365B
The Devil Tempts Christ
Artwork 367B