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Artwork 1317A
From eternity destined for sacrifice at the cross and at the altar
Artwork 1318B
The Martyrdom of Saint Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins
Artwork 1729B
The Prophet Hosea with his wife and children (Hosea 1)
Artwork 1730B
The Prophet Zachariah conversing with two men
Artwork 2004A
Chapel of Saint Vincent Ferrer at the Dominican Cathedral of Vienna
Artwork 2132B
Saint Vincent Ferrer resurrects a woman at the entrance to a church
Artwork 2133A
The Education of the Virgin
Artwork 2133B
The Education of the Virgin
Artwork 2134A
Teresa and Rodrigo study the lives of the saints
Artwork 2134B
Teresa and Rodrigo study the lives of the saints
Artwork 2135A
Teresa and Rodrigo travel to Moorish lands in search of martyrdom
Artwork 2135B
Teresa and Rodrigo travel to Moorish lands in search of martyrdom
Artwork 2136A
Unable to suffer martyrdom, Teresa distributes alms
Artwork 2136B
Unable to suffer martyrdom, Teresa distributes alms
Artwork 2137A
Teresa before an image of Jesus and the Samaritan woman
Artwork 2137B
Teresa before an image of Jesus and the Samaritan woman
Artwork 2138A
After the death of Beatriz de Ahumada, Teresa pleads with the Virgin for her protection
Artwork 2138B
After the death of Beatriz de Ahumada, Teresa pleads with the Virgin for her protection
Artwork 2139A
The investiture of Teresa
Artwork 2139B
The investiture of Teresa
Artwork 2140A
Teresa is healed through the intercession of Saint Joseph
Artwork 2140B
Teresa is healed through the intercession of Saint Joseph
Artwork 2141A
Second Conversion of Teresa (Vision of Christ at the Column)
Artwork 2141B
Second Conversion of Teresa (Vision of Christ at the Column)
Artwork 2142A
"Do not be saddened by my wounds"
Artwork 2142B
"Do not be saddened by my wounds"
Artwork 2143A
Teresa reads Saint Gregory during her illness
Artwork 2143B
Teresa reads Saint Gregory during her illness
Artwork 2144A
Teresa reads the Confessions of Saint Augustine
Artwork 2144B
Teresa reads the Confessions of Saint Augustine
Artwork 2145A
"You will no longer converse with men, but only with angels"
Artwork 2145B
"You will no longer converse with men, but only with angels"
Artwork 2146A
Teresa in Penance
Artwork 2146B
Teresa in Penance
Artwork 2147A
Teresa walks with Christ
Artwork 2147B
Teresa walks with Christ
Artwork 2148A
Jesus gives Teresa a cross with gems
Artwork 2148B
Jesus gives Teresa a cross with gems
Artwork 2149A
The Transverberation
Artwork 2149B
The Transverberation
Artwork 2150A
"Look, daughter, the benefits sinners deprive themselves of"
Artwork 2150B
"Look, daughter, the benefits sinners deprive themselves of"
Artwork 2151A
Ecstasy of Teresa
Artwork 2151B
Ecstasy of Teresa
Artwork 2152A
Rapture of Teresa
Artwork 2152B
Rapture of Teresa
Artwork 2153A
Teresa takes the vote of perfection
Artwork 2153B
Teresa takes the vote of perfection
Artwork 2154A
Demons push Teresa down a flight of stairs
Artwork 2154B
Demons push Teresa down a flight of stairs
Artwork 2155A
The Virgin honors St. Simon Stock with the scapulary
Artwork 2155B
The Virgin honors St. Simon Stock with the scapulary
Artwork 2156A
"What would the world be without the clergy?"
Artwork 2156B
"What would the world be without the clergy?"
Artwork 2157A
Apparition of Saint Peter of Alcantara
Artwork 2157B
Apparition of Saint Peter of Alcantara
Artwork 2158A
Teresa reforms the Carmelite Order
Artwork 2158B
Teresa reforms the Carmelite Order
Artwork 2159A
Renouncing to her surname, she professes as "Teresa de Jesús"
Artwork 2159B
Renouncing to her surname, she professes as "Teresa de Jesús"
Artwork 2160A
Teresa converses with Saint Dominic
Artwork 2160B
Teresa converses with Saint Dominic
Artwork 2161A
Imposition of the necklace by the Virgin and Saint Joseph
Artwork 2161B
Imposition of the necklace by the Virgin and Saint Joseph
Artwork 2162A
Saints Francis and Claire offer to protect the Reform of the Carmelite Order
Artwork 1809A
Fulcite me floribus (Canticum Canticorum 2)
Artwork 1809B
Fulcite me floribus (Canticum Canticorum 2)
Artwork 1810A
Quomodo cantabimus canticum Domini in terra aliena? (Psalms 136)
Artwork 1810B
Quomodo cantabimus canticum Domini in terra aliena? (Psalms 136)
Artwork 1740B
Saint Philip the Apostle
Artwork 674A
Saint Thomas the Apostle
Artwork 1928A
Victory of Lepanto
Artwork 1930A
Capture of Lagny
Artwork 1932A
The Grand Retreat
Artwork 1948A
The Kauwenstein Dike
Artwork 1948B
The Kauwenstein Dike
Artwork 1949A
The Raising of Lazarus
Artwork 1949B
The Raising of Lazarus
Artwork 1847A
The Baptism of Christ
Artwork 1847B
The Baptism of Christ
Artwork 51A
The Baptism of Christ
Artwork 51B
The Baptism of Christ
Artwork 664A
Catherine of Siena, her biographers, and the Arms of Christine of Lorraine, wife of Ferdinand de Medici
Artwork 664B
Vida, muerte, hechos, y milagros de Santa Catalina de Siena
Artwork 1951A
Saint Nicholas of Tolentine
Artwork 1951B
Saint Nicholas of Tolentine
Artwork 1956A
The judgement of a soul
Artwork 1956B
The judgement of a soul
Artwork 1957A
Saint Francis of Paula
Artwork 1957B
Saint Francis of Paula
Artwork 1958A
The Ages of Man
Artwork 1958B
The Ages of Man
Artwork 1960A
Trenches, batteries and preparations of the Turks before Vienna
Artwork 1960B
Trenches, batteries and preparations of the Turks before Vienna
Artwork 1961A
Ardor of the besieged
Artwork 1961B
Ardor of the besieged
Artwork 1962A
Mines and assaults of the Turks
Artwork 1962B
Mines and assaults of the Turks
Artwork 1964A
Breakthrough at the great woods of Vienna and defeat of the Turks
Artwork 1964B
Breakthrough at the great woods of Vienna and defeat of the Turks