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Artwork 1747A
Decor Carmeli
Artwork 1412B
The infant Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes
Artwork 1413A
Jesuit saints about the Crucifix
Artwork 1384A
Monograms of Jesus and Mary, overlapping and with symbols of the passion
Artwork 1414B
Overlapping monograms of Jesus and Mary
Artwork 2334A
La embidia causa infinitos males
Artwork 2334B
La envidia causa infinitos males
Artwork 2335A
Nada dessea quien tiene lo que basta
Artwork 2335B
Nada dessea quien tiene lo que basta
Artwork 2336A
Exemplo de la templanza
Artwork 2336B
Exemplo de la templanza
Artwork 2337A
Dichoso el que se contenta con su suerte
Artwork 2337B
Dichoso el que se contenta con su suerte
Artwork 1346B
Raguel welcoming Tobias (Tob. 7)
Artwork 1347B
The Lord rescues Peter
Artwork 314A
The Baptism of Christ
Artwork 1352B
The Baptism of Christ
Artwork 334A
Demonum Vitrix
Artwork 1353B
Saint Rose attacked by the Devil
Artwork 1354B
Saint Rose praying in the hermitage
Artwork 1355B
Saint Rose rolls the dice with Jesus
Artwork 337A
Coelesti sponso comitata
Artwork 1360B
Mystic Nuptials of Saint Rose
Artwork 1374B
Death of Saint Joseph
Artwork 1375A
Saint Jude
Artwork 1376B
Artwork 1380A
The faith of Abraham is rewarded
Artwork 1380B
The faith of Abraham is rewarded
Artwork 1382A
Abraham regales three angels at Mambre
Artwork 1382B
Abraham regales three angels at Mambre
Artwork 1384B
Monograms of Jesus and Mary, overlapping and with symbols of the passion
Artwork 1386A
Christ and John the Baptist as children
Artwork 2374A
Porus in battle (True courage is always invincible)
Artwork 2374B
Porus in battle (True courage is always invincible)
Artwork 2375A
Alexander and Porus (Virtue pleases although vanquished)
Artwork 2375B
Alexander and Porus (Virtue pleases although vanquished)
Artwork 2376A
Triumphal entry into Babylon (Thus by virtue heroes rise)
Artwork 2376B
Triumphal entry into Babylon (Thus by virtue heroes rise)
Artwork 2377A
The Battle of Arbela (Virtue is worthy of empire over the world)
Artwork 2377B
The Battle of Arbela (Virtue is worthy of empire over the world)
Artwork 2378A
The Queens of Persia at the feet of Alexander (It is for a king to vanquish himself)
Artwork 2378B
The Queens of Persia at the feet of Alexander (It is for a king to vanquish himself)
Artwork 2379A
The Crossing of the Granicus (Virtue overcomes every obstacle)
Artwork 2379B
The Crossing of the Granicus (Virtue overcomes every obstacle)
Artwork 2380A
S. Hieronymus
Artwork 2380B
S. Hieronymus
Artwork 2381B
The Trinity
Artwork 2382A
The Annunciation
Artwork 2382B
The Annunciation
Artwork 2391A
The Angels – Archangel Gabriel – The Moon – The Number Seven
Artwork 2391B
The Archangel Gabriel with Instruments of the Passion
Artwork 2398A
The Annunciation
Artwork 2398B
The Annunciation
Artwork 1631B
Saint Augustine
Artwork 1632A
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Artwork 1632B
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Artwork 1633B
Christ on the Cross
Artwork 318A
O Tristissimum Spectculum
Artwork 1636B
O Tristissimum Spectaculum
Artwork 1639B
La Dolorosa
Artwork 1755B
The Last Judgement
Artwork 1267B
Artwork 28A
Saint Michael
Artwork 1733B
Saint Michael with indigenous donor
Artwork 316A
The Descent from the Cross
Artwork 1734B
The Descent from the Cross
Artwork 1593B
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Artwork 1641B
La Virgen de la Consolación
Artwork 1642B
The Virgin presents the Child Jesus to Saint Francis
Artwork 1643A
Saint Matthew
Artwork 1643B
Saint Matthew
Artwork Octet Stream 1775A
The Sacrifice of Isaac
Artwork 1776A
Tobit refuses a kid goat (Tobias 2)
Artwork 1777B
Tobias and the angel taking leave of Tobit (Tobias 5)
Artwork 1778A
Tobias, Sarah, and the angel taking leave of Raguel and Edna (Tobias 10)
Artwork 1778B
Tobias, Sarah, and the angel taking leave of Raguel and Edna (Tobias 10)
Artwork 1780A
The departure of the angel (Tobias 12)
Artwork 1780B
The departure of the angel (Tobias 12)
Artwork 1781A
The Tree of Jesse
Artwork 1782A
The Tree of Jesse
Artwork 1782B
The Tree of Jesse (Fragment, King of Judea)
Artwork 1783A
The Tree of Jesse
Artwork 1783B
The Tree of Jesse (Fragment, King David)
Artwork 1837B
The Triumph of Joseph
Artwork 1844B
Angels lead John the Baptist, as a child, in the wilderness
Artwork 1275B
Virgen de la Cueva Santa
Artwork 1278A
Emblema V: Fortuna Vitrea Est
Artwork 1722A
King David prays before the Menorah
Artwork 1843A
The families of John and Jesus
Artwork 1843B
The families of John and Jesus
Artwork 1844A
Angels lead John the Baptist, as a child, in the wilderness
Artwork 1761B
Joseph is sold by his brothers
Artwork 1597B
Christ as Fountain of Life
Artwork 2307A
The Death of the Virgin
Artwork 2307B
The Death of the Virgin
Artwork 2308A
Christe audi nos
Artwork 2308B
Christe audi nos
Artwork 91A
The Adoration of the Magi
Artwork 2309B
The Adoration of the Magi
Artwork 2313A
The Circumcision of Christ